color grading
Contrast is defined as a difference between two or more things. Tonal contrast refers to a difference between the brightest and darkest parts of an image.
Images that are high key are brighter with fewer shadows. Images that are low key are darker with more shadows.
white balance
White balance is a process used to balance color temperature in images to remove color casts.
color balance
Color balance refers to the adjustment of color intensities. Color properties include hue, brightness, and chromaticity.
simple workflow (resolve 17)
- 1. color space transform to arri log c
- 2. primary corrections
- 3. secondary corrections
- 4. creative grading
- 5. color space transform to rec 709
- 6. rec 709 lut (if desired)
detailed workflow (resolve 17)
- pending
- studiobinder - color processing
- lift gamma gain - colorist forum
- film grab - film stills
- stills gallery - commercial stills
- refsee - video stills
- uw mrs. sunkel - visible light and colors facts
video by juan melara via youtube
video by pull my focus via youtube